Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I'm so glad I could be at the opening of Kid Scouts Camp on April 1 at 4 pm...I usually miss all the funs these days! Ms. Beth Brokken and Mr. Alex Turner have made a nice camp for us kids with cabins and plenty of room to play. The cabins have really comfy beddies, and I especially love the argyle bedspread on some of them.

Every day we're going to work towards patches, which we'll then put on our special camp vests. Yesterday was storytelling, as we sat around a big campfire and scared each other with tales, and today is cave exploration. Weekends will have Cabin Wars, including trivia and other funs things.

Much to my surprise, I was named the cabin leader of Cabin Two! That meant I had to make a totem pole to stand in front of our cabin. I just had to add a special touch...Hello Kitty, the patron saint of SL kids!!! See if you can find her in the picture! She's especially good to have as part of the totem pole cause one of the other scouts in our cabin is a Neko, and her name is Kittie!!!

I love being with other SL kids in a camping situation, so this is going to be a great month! You can leave the camp as you wish, but you have to spend at least eight hours a week here. I've almost done that in the first two days! I think being here a lot will give me time to update this blog, which is long overdue...a lot has been going on and I intend on telling you allll about it!!!

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