Friday, February 29, 2008


The Abyss Museum of Ocean Science

I took a trip to the Abyss Museum of Ocean Science and learned some things about sea life. Did you know there are five zones to the ocean? They are, from top to bottom:

The Sunlight or Epipelagic Zone
The Twilight or Mesopelagic Zone
The Midnight or Bathypelagic Zone
The Abyssal or Abyssopelagic Zone
The Hadeoplegic Zone

As the zones progress towards the bottom, the sea creatures get more fantastical-looking. The temperature drops and pressure increases. By the time you get close to the sea floor, you find creatures like starfish and tube worms.

The Museum allows you to "visit" the various layers of the ocean. I even got to "stand" on the ocean floor and see a creature that looks like a sea spider!

There are above-ground exhibits that discuss concerns like pollution and rising sea temperatures. I especially liked this billboard that told interesting facts. Did you know that less than 10 percent of the ocean has been explored by man? Or, like the picture says, oceans make up 99 percent of the living space on the planet?

I gathered plenty of notecards of facts that I want to read soon. I also picked up some free souvenirs like a wearable bathysphere, which is very silly when you're standing in your house! *giggle*

StellaStarr Soderstrom

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