Saturday, March 1, 2008


An editorial by StellaStarr Soderstrom

It can be heartbreaking to be an SL kid. Too many of my friends have left this place. Maybe they've created new avies, or maybe they've left altogether. All I know is, they're gone, and I miss them.

I've nearly left too. I've almost grown myself up and stopped being a kid a couple of times. Late July/early August was NOT a good time for me here. The picture in this column was taken at that time. I left Camp HardKnock early because a couple of girls were mean to me. My then-mommie and I had a big falling out, with my aunt/alt and RL lady both getting involved and--wow, would we all do things differently now!!! The place where my aunt and I stayed turned out to be real poopieheads about kids living on the sim, which also made me feel unwelcome in SL. Then, I had a sad experience with a prospective mommie and daddie--they liked another girl more than me, someone they met after me, and when I didn't want to be her sissy they didn't want me anymore! My heart was so broken!

But I couldn't stay away from this place for more than a couple of days. I went to classes at TUi and went to Happy Days and explored SL like I love to do. And one day, I went to a class at TUi to learn how to make a caramel apple. The teacher was a student teacher, and she was sooooo nice to me. And that teacher, Kimber, is now my best friend/mommie/guardian/cool big sister in SL!!! I chose her over a couple of families that decided they wanted to adopt me at MAW...I went from no one wanting me to everyone wanting me!!!

So you see, things can change for the better. It's like never know what wonderful thing can happen, right around the corner. When things seem tough, it could be very much worth it to stick it out.

And if anyone reading this ever feels really sads, and needs someone to talk to...I'm here, and I'll listen.

I want to turn this over to our readers. Have you ever felt really sads and wanted to leave SL? What made you stay? Remember, people who write in can choose two items from my With Love from StellaStarr stores as a thankies for being published here!

Hugs to all the sad kids. It will get better, you'll see!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love you ickle one! Yours always in whichever way I am - neko / sis / guardian / someone crying on your shoulder. Doesnt really matter i'm always here for you!